“If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.” ~Daisaku Ikeda
Lory Deschene, the founder of Tiny Buddha: “I asked Tiny Buddha’s Facebook followers, “What do you love about life?” Some of my favorite responses include:
1. Love. (Hansoul Kim)
2. Family. (Jo Alunan Taguinod)
3. Just being able to wake up to the sun shining in the morning. (Norma Lewis)
4. The ability to overcome hardships and appreciate what I already have instead of wishing I had more. (Ivy Lokojarvi)
5. Our ability to empathize. It allows us to connect and support each. (Heather Fulton)
6. The ridiculous things my dog and cats do. They live in the moment and enjoy being alive, and it reminds me to do the same. (Rachel Campbell)
7. That I am someone who makes a real difference in the world. (Marlu A Soria)
8.Moments of realization that I’m not as alone as I too often think I am. (Caleb Davis)
9. My children being healthy and happy. (Angelica Ortega)
10. Every breath I take reminds me I’m still here and still have much to enjoy. (Lorna Goodman)
11. The ones who never give up on me. (Li Maddocks)
12. Positive and creative people. (Vicky Agnew)
13. I love the moments when more than one person ‘gets’ the illusory joke and for a moment sees that we are one. (Darla Shanti Serafina)
14. The love and support of my life partner. (Diane Delude)
15. Being alive and happy at this moment because is the only thing that exists. (Indi Pa)
16. Affecting people without realizing it. (Mike Love)
17. The beauty of it. No matter how bad things get, there is always something beautiful to keep us going forward. (Noel Knights)
18. All the funny people. (Neelie Echelon Michele Oliver)
19. Hope. (Majo Bustamante)
20. The unexpected things. (María Victoria Arteaga Hung)
21. That every moment in life is a chance for a new beginning. (Vanessa Powell)
22. Creating abundant joy is what I love most about life. (Shyloh Robinson)
23. The diversity that everyone brings to the table. (Andy Clemenko)
24. Trying new things. (Karen Gallion-Biggers)
25. The amazing way the universe can materialize just what you need. (Allison Seals McGee)
26. The way life’s traumas end up making the good times even sweeter. (Lisa McConnell)
27. Second chances. (Shari Ouillette)
28. I love when my daughter smiles at me, and says “Mommy, I love you.” (Haydee Lopez Cruz)
29. Freedom of choice! (Denise Robinson)
30. Everyday is another chance to get it right. (Jan Bu)
31. Seeing small plants start to bud and grow. (Erin Anderson)
32. It’s the little things that matter the most to me, like kisses on my forehead. (Manda Keifer)
33. I love the fact that I can see only love around me. (Kalpana Tewani)
34. People, nature, animals—everything. (Aisha Ar Radiyah)
35. Opportunities to start all over again. (Cristina Villacres)
36. Good food, good friends, good health, and a good night’s sleep! (Mikel O’Brien)
37. Smiles and laughter. (Erin Leslie Cassinelli)
38. Being free to do what I want when I want how I want. (Kim Toney)
39. How there are many paths to happiness, not just one. (Melanie Hazim ॐ)
40. The fact that nothing is permanent. You can always change what you don’t like. (Marcia Johnson)
41. All the free things like air, fresh water, kisses from my love, a hug from my daughter, learning from other people, observing nature and smelling flowers. ( Sarita A. Salas)
42. That we never really know what’s going to happen next. (Slovydal O’Brien)
43. Music. (Lori O’Connor)
44. The spontaneous and unexpected, if it’s positive. (Teresa O’Connor)
45. Knowing the difference between being alive and living. (Belinda Poree)
46. The incredible beauty that surrounds us if we look. (Jeanne E. Rohen)
47. Small moments of enlightenment that show you the path towards being a more fulfilled and compassionate human being. (Jacky Casumbal)
48. Quiet time. (Gerri Mills)
49. Being at peace. (Kylie Alyce Popejoy)
50. All of you. (Dan Schoenig)”
Source: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/50-things-to-love-about-life-that-are-free/